If you’re in need or know someone in need, please come to our clothing drive. We don’t want anyone to be without clothes.


If you have a friend who is in need of food or clothing, and you say to him, “Well, goodbye and God bless you; stay warm and eat hearty,” and then don’t give him clothes or food, what good does that do you?”  –James 2:15-16


  • Every 3rd Saturday of each month.
  • Free clothes for those in need.
  • It’s set up just like a clothing store so you can shop and pick what you need.

If you would like to help out

If you would like to donate clothes you can leave your partially used clothes in a sealed bag under the overhang of the second entrance anytime.

Call 856-665-4494 and speak with Denise Brown.

Or drop off at 3645 Haddonfiled rd Pennsauken NJ  At The Rising Community Fellowship and Outreach Center.