Hours of work and dedication have gone into these spirit inspired messages. We truly hope you are  blessed by listening to them and we encourage you to spread the word about our thought provoking “out of the box” styled sermons.

If you have enjoyed what you heard so far, please consider a small donation. All the money goes back into the ministry for cds, recording, and producing process involved in making the sermons you hear. Thank You so Much!

The Year of the Comeback


The Rising as a whole as well as for many individuals here – that despite circumstances, the seemingly endless trials, the disappointments and the battles of 2013, 2014 for many of you will be “the year of the comeback.” I believe that somehow, you’re going to make a comeback, that you are going to rise, that there is going to be a rising that takes place within you. As The Rising, both as a body and as a community, is writing its story, some of you are simultaneously going to experience the same kind of comeback, the same kind of rising in your individual lives. “2014 – THE YEAR OF THE COMEBACK.”

Origin of Leadership part2


This is the second part to the two part series on leadership. Part one does a great job setting up what part 2 knocks out of the park. Whether your a leader at a church, business, community group, in your family, or haven’t yet found out that there is a leader in you, this will encourage and empower the leader in you.