These classes are designed to address many areas of life here at The Rising, and your life as a believer.

You will learn:

  • To better understand how to read and interpret Scripture
  • Become acquainted with the visions, purposes, and destiny of The Rising
  • Discover your place and purpose as a part of The Rising and realize how you are gifted as a child of God and a part of His Body.

Even if you are already a member, and have taken membership 101, this NEW class brings a lot more to bear on your life as a Christian, and your membership at The Rising.

The Schedule: (Sundays at 9am in classroom wing)

November 17th –  God’s Story

  • We will discuss our view of the gospels and our belief that God is telling an amazing story through scripture and through life.

November 24th The Rising’s Story

  • “The Rising” as the church, represents a body of believers following a specific vision who are committed to seeing it through to fruition. We want you to come on board and know what you are committing to when you unite with The Rising.  This is the story The Rising is telling within Gods big Story.

December 1st   Your Story

  • You were given your own unique story to tell as the protagonist. We would love to be a part of it and explore the journey you’re on and see where God is taking you in your coming chapters. If you are unclear of your story, this is where it will all begin, because The Rising is going places.


Prior to the membership classes, Life Class commences November 6th. We strongly recommend being a part of both events as they will lay a great foundation on your spiritual life, connect you with other members, and strengthen your knowledge and understanding of the direction and interpretation of which The Rising lives.